Hire SquirrelsCrendon Machinery have a range of hire Squirrel available at competitive rates
Each Squirrel machine is WorkSafe WA approved and fully maintained.
35 5 SD orchard - 3.5m Platform height All with swivel cage, three speed, 8 cfm air compressor, Picking bag std,
50 5 SD - 5m Platform height With swivel cage, Two speed, Picking bag std, road licensed
53 6 LB SD - 5.3m Platform height With swivel cage, Three speed, Picking bag std, Bin Forks.
65 6 LB SD - 6.5m Platform height With swivel cage, Three speed, Picking bag std, Bin Forks.
Coming Soon 80 6 LB SD - 8mPlatform height With swivel cage, Three speed, Picking bag std, Bin Forks.
65 7 2B LB SD - 6.5m Platform height two boom, swivel cage, Crab steer, Three speed, Picking bag std, Bin Forks
80 7 2B LB SD - 8m Platform height two boom, swivel cage, Crab steer, Three speed, Picking bag std, Bin Forks
Squirrel Trailers
Squirrel Single Boom Brochure