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Email: "NetWizz Slim Auto Tension" is a machine for applying and removing bird netting in small vineyards, orchards and anywhere crop cover is required. Netting is wound onto a simple spindle in an inter-woven pattern like a roll of twine.Key Benefits
| NetWizz Slim, Mast raised to full height |
NetWizz Slim, Mast rotated 90º for transport | Mast is raised & lowered by a winch and pinned at 3 height settings. Mast is rotated and pinned at 5 positions from 0º to 90º. The top loop is now the same as Std NetWizz making applying netting much easer. Spindle end covers are slid onto the spool then the tractor drives the spike through the spindle. The tractors 3PL is then raised and spindle is pinned in position. There is a side platform with steps & hand rail to safely access mast rotating pin & other adjustments. There are holders for 6 empty spindles |
Fast, safe removal of netting without tearsIf netting gets caught the sensor automatically stops the spindle, preventing tears. The sensor automatically adjusts the spindle and wand speed to maintain a constant incoming net tension. This unique sensor system greatly prolongs the life of netting. Auto tension setting is easily adjusted via an adjustment wing nut. Gas strut is stainless steel |
shear bolt protection for top loop & mastThe NetWizz mast incorporates a shear pin assembly which breaks, preventing the top loop and mast from damage. To work around power poles, trees and for transport the top loop easily rotates 90º. The mast is rotated and pinned at 5 positions from -22º to 90º. |
![]() | Self loading and unloading of netting rollsFull spindles are loaded using the tractor’s 3PL. The tractor is simply reversed into the roll, with the aid of a taper on the drive shaft, then raised with the linkage. In the standard short setting 1.1m spindles, the roll of netting can be up to 15m wide x 200m long. In the long setting 1.4m spindles, the roll of netting can be up to 20m wide x 300m long. The steel spindles protrude from the end of the roll enabling easy safe mechanical handling. |
Efficient handling of netting rolls. A roll spike is available, which is clamped to fork-lift or front-end loader forks and is then inserted into the spindle. This system allows rolls to be stacked on top of each other for safe and very compact storage. It is strongly recommended when handling large rolls of netting. (OPTIONAL EXTRA) | ![]() |