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Squirrel Operating Requirements

Safety Regulations affecting all Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) 

Should the operator wear a safety harness?

Yes on boom EWPs. A safety harness complying with AS 1891. 


What maintenance is required?

 All MEWPs must be maintained in a safe working condition and must be documented and records kept. With Squirrels there is a Maintenance & a Safety Check-list. The maintenance requirements are split into 250 hour intervals with only minor maintenance checks at this level leading to more comprehensive maintenance checks every 1,000 hours. The Safety Check list requirements are  every 1,000 hours. For Squirrels this can be obtained free from Crendon Machinery.


Can I use my existing old Squirrel Manuals & Check list (documents)?

No, the old documents older than 1 years are not sufficient for new regulations. 

Crendon Machinery strongly recommend to contact Crendon for any updates check list each year.

New Squirrel manuals and check list can be obtained free from Crendon Machinery.

Should the operator perform a daily pre-operational check?

Yes. Operators must ensure that pre-operational inspections are carried out at the beginning of each shift and entered into the pre-operational Check-list logbook. For Squirrels this can be obtained free from Crendon Machinery.


What operator training is required?

There is an Operator Induction procedure which is clearly outlined in the Squirrel Operator Induction Check-list. This is split in to two areas, an Operator Questionnaire Check-list and an Operator Demonstration Check-list. For Squirrels this can be obtained free from Crendon Machinery.


Can I use Generic Manuals (documents)?

No, for Squirrels only Crendon Machinery can supply you with maintenance procedure. These are up dated as required.


For Squirrel MEWPs
For other makes of MEWPs

You must maintain and Operate the Squirrel within the recommendations of Crendon Machinery.  

Maintenance Check every 250 hours, then a major at 1,000 hours and a Safety Check every 1,000 hours.

Crendon Machinery does not demand non destructive testing, we recommend a more regular visual check instead by a competent person.

You must maintain and Operate the EWPs in accordance with AS/NZ 2550.10 - 2006

This is split into maintenance every 3 months, then yearly and a major 10 year overall including non destructive testing.  

In AS/NZ 2550.10 it outlines a list of components that should be non destructive tested.

What is required to do a Squirrel 1,000 hour Safety Check

Crendon Machinery have a Maintenance Check List and a Safety Check List which describes what and how to do this checking, some of the important areas are listed below;

  • Brake holding test
  • Slope sensor test
  • High speed auto of interlock to boom height
  • E stop checks, Foot controls 
  • All safety systems and labels
  • Visual check for cracks in all structural areas
  • Remove lift ram pin and check, any slop in other pins remove and check HDPE bushes for wear
What is the cost for the Safety Check List part and who can do it?

If everything is fitted and working well it can take 4-8 hours. This can be done by any competent person other than the operator of that Squirrel.

What is required to do a Squirrel 1,000-hour Service and Maintenance 

The maintenance involves the 1,000-hour service, servicing the engine, planetary hubs, hydraulic filters, etc.

This all depends on how well the Squirrel is maintained and the amount of preventive maintenance is done. It can take 6 hours if well maintained or up to 30 hours or more if major dismantling and seal replacement is required. 

Can Crendon Machinery do the Non-destructive testing per AS/NZ 2550.10.

No, we consider a wash down and very thorough examination with highly trained staff can find the cracks in previously identified areas on Squirrels.


Other manufacturers require - full Comply with AS/NZ 2550.10.

For EWPs older than 10 years the major costs are:

  • Non-destructive testing
  • Strip-down of components
  • Up-grading to latest safety & manufacturing standards AS1418.10
What is the cost?

Industry estimates vary between $7,000 and $20,000 + GST to fully comply for mobile self propelled EWPs. This would vary depending on condition, model & age of EWP. With this cost it is not a viable proposition for older small EWPs since it is has to be done again every five years.



For all MEWPs 

EWPs regulations in W.A. have changed to be in line with the rest of Australia 

When will the new Law (regulation) be introduced?

In about mid to late 2021

In WA the government is progressing the development of new work health and safety legislation for WA (as advised by the Premier), and that you would recommend employers check that their equipment is in safe working order.

You will have to consider up dating safety features to the latest manufacturing requirements. If you don't do this and have an accident you will be in serious breach of the safety laws.

What is some of the Safety upgrading that Work Safe WA require (but not limited to) when this new regulation is introduced.

Have a speed interlocking system so that the machine cannot be driven at an unsafe ground speed at heights. Clause 5.2.5 of AS/NZS1418.10-2025.

2.  Cage gate will need to be self-closing and locking with two independent locking systems. Clause 2.5.6 of AS/NZS1418.10-2025.

3.    Have an audible alarm (Horn) operated from the cage. Clause 2.5.10, AS/NZS1418.10-2025

H   Have an auto engine stop when entering and exiting the cage (cage gate engine stop switch) Clauses (c), AS/NZS1418.10-2025.

H   Have an audible alarm when the machine reaches an unsafe angle. Clauses 2.2.12, 12.3 & 5.24 of AS/NZS1418.10-2025.

4.      If the EWP is rated at more than 5º slope, it must have a mechanical fail-safe braking system to hold the machine on a slope that it is capable of negotiating. Clauses 2.2.12, 12.3 & 5.24 of AS/NZS1418.10-2025.

What must I do?

If your Squirrel has chain drives, there are numerous areas which require upgrading. Unfortunately, the cost of this is high and is not viable on old small EWPs. AS 1418.10, 2025 standards are up-dated periodically. If your Squirrel is fitted with planetary wheel hub drives, obtain a current maintenance procedure from Crendon Machinery.


What parts have to be Upgraded?
  • Fail-safe brakes if used on slopes above 5º (planetary hubs already have these)
  • Digital slope sensor.
  • Self-closing cage gate with two latches
  • Auto engine stop on cage gate just opining.
  • High travelling speed cut-out when the boom is above half-height; 
    • fit electric fast speed cut-out or.
    • disconnect high speed all together. 
What is the cost of this safety Upgraded?

if you Squirrel already has planetary wheel hubs, between $2,000 -$7000 depending on the amount of preventive maintenance is done and whether you have to fit electric fast speed cut out








Other Squirrel Models - Click on the picture to go to that page

Disclaimer: The pictures and information are a guide only.  Specifications are subject to change without notice and without liability expressed or implied.